Puppy Preschool Terms & Conditions
Dog Club will endeavor to create as safe an environment as possible for the care and handling of my dog and will endeavor to offer only sound, safe and responsible training and instructions. However, I recognize that Dog Club is not responsible for any unintentional errors, omissions, or incorrect assertions. Further, I am and will remain responsible for the actions of my dog at all times. I understand that attendance of Puppy Preschool is not without risk to myself, members of my family, guests who may attend, or to my dog. I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Dog Club, it’s officers, directors, instructors, agents, employees and/or representatives of any and all claims, or claims by any member of my family, or accompanying guests of mine of injury, expense, costs or damages to myself, my dog, any dog handlers or dogs both in class and out of class. I have read the above-stated provisions, and agree to accept those responsibilities.
Illness Policy
If your puppy is showing any symptoms at home such as: diarrhea, sneezing, coughing, or lethargy, please have your puppy stay at home to minimize any health risks to other puppies. Please contact us immediately at info@dogclubsf.com.
If your puppy shows these symptoms while at puppy preschool, we will contact you immediately to pick up your puppy.
Vaccination & Health Requirements
Dogs should stay up-to-date on their Distemper, Parvo and all other age-appropriate vaccines. You are required to submit a copy of the current vaccination records from your veterinarian. Keep a copy of the current vaccination record on your phone.
Rabies Vaccination
Dog owners are obligated to adhere to the requirements set by the San Francisco Health Code. Please consult your veterinarian and/or the San Francisco Animal Care and Control website.
Your puppy should:
✢ have had at least one wellness check/set of puppy vaccinations (DA/HLPP) and deworming, preferably administered by a vet 7 days prior
✢ Have been in-home for at least 7 days
✢ Have not had diarrhea, lethargy, coughing or sneezing within 24 hours
✢ Not have any canine warts (papilloma) on or around mouth/eyes/ears
✷We recommend fecal giardia testing plus bortadella and/or lepto vaccinations per vet recommendation
✢ Must wear a face mask at all times during drops offs and pick ups — Please no masks w/ valves, no bandanas & no neck gaiters
✢ Must maintain 6 feet social distance